QTPOC assemble
A Brunch Kickback for Collaboration and Community Building
On August 4, 2019, Color Bloq hosted a diverse and intentional group of creators, organizers, and community leaders to discuss collaboration and community building, to find ways to pool our resources and make more room for QTPOC in the increasingly gentrified San Francisco Bay Area. This is part of our mission, to elevate QTPoC community within our organization, and to elevate the community of QTPoC organizations we are part of. We gathered around a long family table on the third floor of Strut (the health & wellness center, testing clinic, and community space of the SF AIDS Foundation) on a beautiful Sunday morning, and talked well into the afternoon. This gathering welcomed brilliant community members from:
Good VBZ: Hip-Hop Party Series for QPOC
QBar: An Inclusive Castro Nightclub (under new ownership)
ONYX Northwest: Leather Club for Men of Color
UnRuly Social Club: Leather, Kink, & BDSM for Women and Non-Male Identified QTBIPOC
Parivar: Queer South Asian and Beyond
San Francisco State University
And many more!
We are grateful to our partners at Strut and the SF AIDS Foundation for offering their space, and to Associate Director, Felipe Flores, for giving up his Sunday to help us organize this beautiful gathering of community.
We'd also like to thank Castro Republic for catering this brunch, the team at Philz Coffee (Castro) for donating the coffee and fixings for our guests, and DJ Kidd for providing the soundtrack to our day.
We are planning something even bigger for next year in August as part of our mission to #elevateQTPOC.
Check out some photos from the event: