Submissions Are Now Closed!


When we first announced this call for contributors in Fall 2019, we had a clear vision for the collection. And then the pandemic happened, disrupting our plans and shifting our focus. We decided to only publish one collection in 2020. With the WORLDBUILDING collection, we wanted to provide an opportunity for our queer and trans BIPOC family to dream with us. To wonder about the possibilities of resistance and joy. 

Now that we’ve all gained plenty of experience navigating a world impacted by COVID-19, we are revisiting the theme of BOUNDARY with a fresh lens. We invite you to send us your best pitch that speaks to or expands on this call for submissions. 

As you develop your pitch, consider the following prompts or feel free to address the central theme in a way that suits your creative vision and style. Explore the boundaries of everyday interactions: from the personal to the political, professional to private, even those that define the barriers between what’s sexual and what’s intimate (or even platonic and romantic!). What has shaped the boundaries you maintain today? What impacts the boundaries you navigate between social, cultural, and political institutions? What lessons have you learned about your boundaries and those of others over this last year of sharp adjustments, unexpected changes, distance and isolation? In what ways have you excelled in these life lessons and where have you faltered?

At this time, we are only accepting ONE pitch per person (if you submit for multiple writing categories, the first one read will be the only one considered).

Deadline for pitches is Sunday, April 4th, 2021.

You may only submit ONE PITCH per theme.

We publish queer & trans BIPOC writers, exclusively.

Pieces must be original and unpublished works.

DO NOT email your pitch to us.

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These articles focus on history; social, cultural, and/or political context; reporting and analysis; or deep study into a singular topic. We are looking for nonfiction essays/articles/critiques ranging from 1200-2000 words.


Personal essays are first-person stories by individuals on their own lived experiences and relationships to the thematic topic. We are looking for personal essays ranging from 600-800 words.


Works that fall outside of longform formats that also centrally address the publication theme. These include, but are not limited to: interviews, reviews, roundtables, experimental mixed-format (i.e. photo essays), multi-person collaborations, and more.



Color Bloq strives to pay our queer & trans BIPOC contributors a fair rate for their work. Our current compensation rates are below:


Feature-length Articles & Cultural Critiques: $500 - $1,000 each

Personal Essays: $275 each 

Alternative Formats: $500 - $1,000 each; varies per content type